
Showing posts from December, 2005

Wednesday Weigh in -- Could've been worse, and it ususally is


Week off from weight in...

Fudge or Fruit?

Wednesday Weigh In -- Mea Culpa, PLEASE!

The French Women

I wan't to get away with this, but I shouldn't

What is 30 lbs?

175.0 - Sound familiar?


Vendor gifts: don't you sell SOFTWARE?!?!

Carrots vs Cookies

Saying I can do it on my own is glib

I'm not ready for fajitas

They can't all be tremendous losses

"We Only Sell Double Scoop Cones, Ma'am"

A Few Words about Method for December

This Blog Is Helping Me Already

The middle of the Vron story and the end of denial

Nothing To Wear (aka "How Did I Get Here?")

celery sticks aren't so bad

175.0. The new scale works.

Thanks for inviting me to the "V'ron-a-Blog"!

The "worst" time of year for a diet? Not to start!

Today is my birthday... And I had to bring treats

All right kid, don't get cocky

Real vs. Simulated round 1

Today is the first day of the rest of my life starting right with Total