Still in the rut

217.6. Actually up point 6. But at least the fat percentage is down, to 45.9. Whoop de do.

Actually, this is whoop de do. I remember six months ago when i hit this point, it was the lowest I'd weighed before i had Sammy. I was doing the happy dance all around, I hadn't gotten this low in years! I need to remember that this is a long journey and there's going to be peaks and valleys.

And ruts.

Other than that, I got nuthin' today. Back later when I'm more philosophical. But I'm recovering from an all nighter with a sick three year old who had a stuffy nose, some icky dreams, and general "Mommy, life sucks sometimes and so i just need you to hold me all night while I scare the piss out of you because I'm breathing like Darth Vader."


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